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Sustainable Organization with Less Plastic

Sustainable Pantries and Closets

Plastic storage bins are useful, but there are more sustainable options available. If you already have plastic containers you might as well keep them until they are no longer usable. When you need new containers, shop for air-tight glass containers for your kitchen pantry. These are great for storing dry goods, like cereal, rice and flour. Look for ones with wide openings, and store them on lower shelves. Some of these are nice enough to keep on your counter, as long as you have enough room.

Many of the best closet organizers are made from materials other than plastic. Sturdy hanging canvas shelves save space, and they can be filled with shoes, sweaters, socks and other clothing. Wire dividers (these can also be used in kitchen pantries) keep stacks of clothing from falling onto each other, and they will keep shelves neat and shirts unwrinkled.

If your downstairs hallway closet is packed with coats, hats, gloves and other things you’ve stashed inside, you can move out-of-season outerwear to another closet if there is room. Another solution is to add a storage area by your entryway. You can hang up some wall hooks on the inside of the closet door, and also on the wall adjacent to your front door. Place a pretty wicker basket on the floor for shoes, or put an armoire with deep drawers, if it fits in the space.