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Sustainable Organization with Less Plastic

Organizing a Sustainable Kitchen

Kitchen countertops are often the messiest spots in the room, but you can keep things more streamlined and functional by using attractive containers. Keep items that you use often on an elegant tray or a wooden turntable. You can keep your spices here, and often-used utensils can be placed in a ceramic container on the tray. Also shop for pretty oil carafes, glass bottles with pumps for dish liquid and colorful bowls for fruit.

Place these decorative and functional items within arm’s reach so you don’t have to keep moving all over the kitchen. If the kitchen counter tends to be a drop spot for mail and deliveries, get a mail organizer (not plastic) to help with the sorting. When mail and deliveries arrive, they should be sorted through immediately.

Any junk mail, envelopes and packaging should then go right into the recycling bin. Important papers and items should be moved to their proper places right away. Getting into this habit will discourage you and your family members from leaving debris like this in the kitchen.