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Simple Summer Backyard Barbecue Tips

If there’s one thing that goes hand-in-hand with summer, it’s a backyard barbecue. With the sun shining and the weather forecast predicting temperatures that are in your favor, there’s no better time for freshly grilled meats and refreshingly cold drinks. Any good host knows that a successful summer barbecue takes a lot more than slapping some meat on the grill and serving cold lemonade on a tray. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to host a memorable summer meal with your loved ones. Grab your notepad because you’re about to become a barbecue expert with a few easy outdoor barbecue ideas.

Prep and Plan Beforehand

The key to hosting a summer barbecue you can also enjoy is organization. Get the planning done well before the grilling date to ensure you’re not running around day-of, or worse, during the barbecue. After all, you’re hosting so you can sit down and enjoy mouth-watering foods with your friends and family. Put these outdoor barbecue tips into action so you can kick back and relax during the barbecue:

  • Select your guest list, send out invitations and track RSVPs online by creating a private event on social media
  • Determine how much seating is required and borrow or rent any extras well before the barbecue date
  • Decide on activities or games to keep the children entertained and gather applicable materials as needed
  • Check the weather and plan accordingly
  • Double, triple and quadruple-check your grilling supplies and propane

Provide Dietary Options

When it comes to food, no two taste buds are the same. Everyone has his or her own preference for flavor. While it was once acceptable to give the option of a hotdog or hamburger, times have changed. Some people are vegetarian, some are vegan, others have allergies and the list goes on. Fortunately, you can easily keep all of your guests happy and their hunger satisfied by sticking with barbecue classics.  Here is a complete meal plan that caters to all palates, diets and lifestyles to ensure everyone can happily and comfortably enjoy your backyard barbecue:

  • Fresh fruits, vegetables and dip for vegetarians, vegans and those with gluten or dairy allergies
  • Beef and veggie burgers, chicken and hot dogs for all, including children
  • Potato chips, pretzels and trail mix
  • Soda, water, juice

Set up a Comfortable Lounge Area

Uncomfortable folding chairs surrounding a plastic foldable table is not ideal for long periods of sitting. Enhance the relaxation and enjoyment of your summer barbecue by creating a comfortable lounge area. Doing so will allow your guests to sit back with a full stomach, kick their feet up and socialize while also creating memories together. The good part is you don’t need to purchase anything extra; just use what you have with these outdoor ideas:

  • Remove the long foldable food tables once the meal is over and open up the space for some rest, relaxation and conversation
  • Stage chairs around focal points in your backyard, such as a patio table, fireplace or pool
  • Offer different seating options, such as lounger chairs, camper chairs, benches, etc. to ensure everyone finds a comfortable seat

Create an Ambiance with Subtle Lighting and Soft Music

Your summer barbecue is about to start. You have your chairs set up, the food prepped and a headcount of who’s attending, but there’s one thing missing – atmosphere. One of the best barbecue tips to think about is how you want your guests to feel while attending. The perfect tunes and subtle lighting can be everything you need to create the ideal ambiance for the evening. Here are some of our favorite ideas:

  • String colorful lights and play popular music for a dance party appeal
  • Light lanterns and candles and play music at a low volume for a laid back, relaxing feel
  • Use tiki torches to light paths and focal areas for a dramatic, mellow theme accompanied by some light tunes

All the tips you need to host a memorable backyard barbecue are right here. With some prepping and planning, careful considerations and little tweaks, you can host the best summer barbecue of the season!