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How to Plant Your Perfect Herb Garden

Herbs bring plenty of happiness. They’re delicious and nutritious. These green delights can transform your living space into a breath of fresh air. Little plants add a splash of aroma to your home, and you don’t even need to have a green thumb to enjoy them. Growing the perfect herb garden often takes more knowledge than talent. Follow a few easy steps to create a flavorful garden where your palate and palace will flourish.

Start Simple with Pre-Potted Herbs

Unless you’re a garden aficionado, you’ll want to start simple with pre-potted herbs. Growing any plant from seed can be a tedious and daunting task. It takes time and practice to learn what makes the seed grow into a delicious herb. Unless you want to spend several weeks trying to figure out the roots of your herbs, stick with the simple solution: pre-potted plants. Most grocery stores, nurseries, and health food stores have them. If you plan on switching the pots out for something more decorative, you should do so with care. Herbs need to drain properly in order to grow efficiently. Make sure your pots have stones, gravel, or holes in the bottom for proper drainage.

Picking the Plants

Choosing the herbs that’ll fill your home is one of the most important steps to creating a perfect herb garden. There are many different varieties of herbs, from soft, delicious ones that add a subtle hint of flavor, to woodsy, pungent ones. Some herbs need more care than others, such as soft herbs like basil. Woody herbs are a little tougher, handling more extreme conditions such as a cold winter season.  It is important to do your research to ensure you plant the herbs that are going to fulfill your planting aspirations as well as your palate.

Placing the Perfect Herb Garden

Now that you have your pre-potted plants, it’s time to place them. If you’re locating your herb garden outdoors, the plants can be put right into your garden. Otherwise, a windowsill that gets an ample amount of sunlight is sufficient. However, it is important to consider the types of herbs you’re growing, as different kinds have varying requirements. Some herbs need more sunlight, whereas others can stay in the shade for most of the day, requiring only more room to grow. If you are moving your pre-potted plants into a garden or larger pot, remember to give them enough room to breathe and grow.

Harvesting the Herbs

When your herbs are ready for harvesting, it’s the most exciting time. Not only are your gardening efforts paying off, but your dishes throughout the next week are bound to be nutritiously flavorful. All you need is a sharp pair of clean scissors and you can start snipping away at the ends.

Planting an herb garden is a decision that’ll bring a punch of flavor into your interior and meals. This is one of the easiest gardens to grow, and it can be done right on a window sill. If you’re just dipping into the world of green thumbs, this is a great place to start.

The Golden Rules to Growing a Herb Garden

Your herb garden needs to be watered daily. Since they take in a lot of water, drainage via a variety of pot types keeps them from drowning. Remember to add a sufficient amount of space in between each herb to deter them from overcrowding and dying off. Herbs also need regular trimming to stop them from growing flowers. Although this is a beautiful sight, regular pruning prevents issues with flavor and the quality of the leaf.