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Fun Outdoor Yard Games for Summer Family Entertainment and Parties

DIY Kerplunk

It’s easy to make your own game of Kerplunk. Form chicken wire into an upright tube and staple it to a makeshift wooden base (like a table without the top). Place bamboo skewers through the wire tube, crisscrossing them until there’s enough to hold roughly a dozen plastic balls on top. Each player will take turns pulling out a skewer, trying to remove it without letting any balls fall out.



Backyard matching game

Create your own jumbo-sized matching game by drawing 12 or more pairs of things (animals, clothing items, etc.) on square tiles made from cardstock. Mix up your tiles, place them face down on the grass and have players take turns trying to match the like objects.

Bean bag toss

There are plenty of bean bag toss games to be found. Don’t see one that suits your style? Make a target for your bean bags with cardboard boxes. Paint character faces on them and make the hole for the bean bags the mouth. Bean bags are usually easy to find.. However, you can also make them out of fabric and sand.