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Fun Outdoor Yard Games for Summer Family Entertainment and Parties

Whether you want to entertain your family or host a party this summer, outdoor yard games can be just what you need. There are many fun games for the backyard that you can buy at a store, shop for on the Internet or even make yourself. Consider these classics and favorites to delight every age. Get creative and infuse fun themes into your games.


Piñatas are beloved at parties. All the work that goes into busting them to break out the hidden treasure is well worth it. For a summertime party, hang a piñata filled with candy, little trinkets or money. Have a bunch of bored little ones on summer break? Make every weekend piñata weekend!




Twister is a cherished game from many of our childhoods and some of us have probably played it in college. Chances are good that you have Twister game somewhere in your closet or in the attic. Get it out and put it on the grass. Play as a family, invite the neighbors to join in or break the ice at a party.





You might not be able to find real steel horseshoes for this favorite backyard game, but there’s probably a few plastic sets to choose from online. Horseshoes is a great way to pass the time and engage in a little competition between family and friends.

DIY Kerplunk

It’s easy to make your own game of Kerplunk. Form chicken wire into an upright tube and staple it to a makeshift wooden base (like a table without the top). Place bamboo skewers through the wire tube, crisscrossing them until there’s enough to hold roughly a dozen plastic balls on top. Each player will take turns pulling out a skewer, trying to remove it without letting any balls fall out.



Backyard matching game

Create your own jumbo-sized matching game by drawing 12 or more pairs of things (animals, clothing items, etc.) on square tiles made from cardstock. Mix up your tiles, place them face down on the grass and have players take turns trying to match the like objects.

Bean bag toss

There are plenty of bean bag toss games to be found. Don’t see one that suits your style? Make a target for your bean bags with cardboard boxes. Paint character faces on them and make the hole for the bean bags the mouth. Bean bags are usually easy to find.. However, you can also make them out of fabric and sand.






Ring toss

Cut down a cardboard box so you’re left with a shallow base that’s just about four inches high. Fill it with empty glass bottles packed side to side. Another option is to make a simple stick ring toss. Rings are usually available at craft stores.




Giant Jenga

Go oversized with Jenga by cutting 2x4s in identical rectangular sizes and painting them in bold and bright colors. Stack your wooden blocks crisscrossed up to about 15 blocks high. Each player will take a turn removing a block and hoping the tower doesn’t tumble.



Obstacle course

Create an obstacle course in your backyard. Tie ropes to trees for participants to dodge. Roll up sleeping bags to jump over and place cones to maneuver around. Line up obstacle courses side-by-side so players can challenge an opponent.

Searching for buried ice treasure

Keep kids busy during the heat of summer by freezing toys into a big block of ice and giving them spoons to dig up the treasures. This game will cool children off and occupy hours of their day.

There’s no end to the outdoor yard games you can come up with to entertain family and friends this summer. Just let your imagination wander and think about what you would have liked to play as a kid.