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Tips for Moving with a Baby

Moving can be incredibly stressful. Add a baby and there might be more than one tantrum in your near future. The best way to handle the change in location is to be prepared before, during and after with these tips.



Find a pediatrician

Now is the time to start researching a new doctor so you have one waiting once you’ve moved. Make sure the office takes your insurance and that they are close to your new home to avoid too much back and forth. Ask about their office hours and their availability after hours to provide peace of mind. Your current pediatrician may be able to provide a recommendation – just ask.

Firm up childcare

The decision between daycare and in home care is a big one. Whichever you choose, know that the process to find the right fit isn’t quick, even if you started well before your move.  Get advice from family and friends, and once you’ve narrowed down the list, make sure you perform background checks. Visit at least three daycares and spend enough time in the infant room to see if it’s the right fit for your little one. One question that should always be asked during the decision making process is the ratio of infants to caretakers.

Have movers ready to go

You’ve done the hard part of packing up while taking care of your baby. To simplify the process, hire professional movers to unpack and set up your new home.  This will save you time, money and sanity so you can be the best parent to your child during this stressful time.

Keep essentials handy

Babies need a lot of stuff on a daily basis. Bibs, bottles, formula, diapers and wipes go in the diaper bag, but make sure you also have a few changes of clothes, favored toys and bath products on hand to make the transition easier.


Decide the time of day for the move

Parenting can be a rewarding challenge, even in the best of times. Having your baby on a schedule is vital. When you’re making your move, figure out a time that fits baby’s schedule. And remember, long drives should be done at night when the baby is already asleep.

Moving long distance? Know airport restrictions

Getting to the gate on time is a minor concern when going on a plane with an infant. Every airline has their own policy regarding carriers and strollers. It’s important to research before booking a ticket with a specific airline. Find out you baby will need to be secured in a car seat or if they can sit in your lap. If breastfeeding, double-check with the airline and TSA about the appropriate way to transport breast milk.


Baby proof now

Before the furniture is in place, baby proof your new home. For heavier furniture, use latches to attach pieces to the wall. Long curtains and blind cords should be tied out of reach. And you can also install latches on drawers and cupboards to make the home as safe as possible for your smallest family member.

Set up the nursery

The sooner you unpack the nursery, the easier it will be for your baby (and you)!. Make sure the changing table is set up, the crib is ready to go and the rocking chair is available for late night snuggling.

Stick to routines

Babies are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. Stick to their schedules in your new home. Ensure a smooth transition by staying as close to their old routine as possible. It will make it easier on them and you.