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Home Maintenance

Professional vs. DIY: How to Choose

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Professional vs. DIY: How to Choose - bhgrelife.com3. Determine All Elements

Determining whether a professional is needed or if you can complete the job on your own should be based on a wide range of decisions. Much more comes into play than just money – research, time, shopping, and physical labor are just a few. All should be considered equally. You will also want to consider what type of repair you’ll need. If there is a plumbing issue in your only bathroom, you may not want to go without plumbing for several days while you take on a do-it-yourself project. A contractor that can be in and out is likely a much more reasonable option.

There are many different factors that need to be considered when determining whether a professional is needed, or if you can handle the task on your own. DIY projects can be an affordable option, but they can also result in significantly higher costs if the job is not done properly. Furthermore, DIY projects come with the cost of materials (often at retail price), purchase or rental of equipment, and valuable time that you can’t get back. Depending on the home improvement or repair needed, it may also be completely unrealistic for you to hire a professional if you have the skillset and time required. At the end of the day, it comes down to preference and the kind of project that is at hand. These careful considerations will help you determine what the best option is for you.

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