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Five Keys to Entertaining on a Budget

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Having your own home gives you ample opportunities to entertain. While hosting a party in your home might seem stressful, having people over can actually be a simple and affordable way to spend time with family and friends. To learn more about how to entertain within reason, read on for five fundamental tips for throwing a budget-friendly get-together.


1. Host a Potluck

If you’re planning to have a meal with friends, consider hosting a potluck where guests bring a dish or drink instead of you having to prepare food for everyone. By making just one or two dishes yourself and having guests bring other items along with their preferred beverages, you can save on the cost of food and cooking supplies. A potluck will not only help save you money, but you’ll also be serving guests a well-rounded, diverse meal that everyone contributed to. Choose a dinner theme and coordinate it in advance with your guests. For entertainment, choose games or activities that keep with the theme.





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