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How To Enjoy Your Own Party

You’ve double-checked the invites, tried out the recipes, rearranged the decoration, and recounted the gift bags. Yet it seems you might have overlooked something. With all the planning, cooking, and hosting, it’s easy to forget to have fun and enjoy the festivities you have worked so hard to bring about. These practical tips will save you time and headache so you can focus on having a good time your own party.

1. Get the date into the books early. This is the busiest time of the year for EVERYTHING—so lock it in. Send out a quick email reminder, followed by an evite.


2. Create a menu that crosses party lines. Include a gluten-free option and a vegetarian one too.


3. Think small plates (tapas like prosciutto wrapped melons and bacon wrapped dates) and big reheatables that can be made in advance (shepherd’s pie) or that can be bought in bulk (Costco’s spanakopita is almost as good as YiaYia’s). Don’t forget a cheese plate with crackers and a nut mixture that you can make yourself.


4. Don’t do it all. Delegate like an executive. It takes an army. If it’s a big party, consider hiring a couple servers. This doesn’t need to be budget constrictive—there are plenty of high school neighbors that wouldn’t mind a couple hours of work.

5. Make a list of what needs to be purchased—handwritten or on excel. Shop ahead for all that you need. At least two days ahead. There is always something that’s overlooked, but if you start early—a last minute trip to the store is not a deal breaker.


6. Paper plates/ plastic forks. Trust us, there are some out there that LOOK like you are actually eating on china, even if the forks feel a bit light. Before you balk, just think of how easy it is to clean up. Pass the paper!


7. Don’t forget your powder room. Add a candle, fresh towels, and pretty soaps. Place a bottle of air freshener in the corner.


8. Have a clean up contingency plan. Ask a couple confidantes to help you with small tasks as the party winds down. But don’t let dishes in the sink, sink your spirit. Take a deep breath. There’s always tomorrow. And you can always hire someone to help you.

9. Which brings us to our last tip—plan on laying low and sleeping in the next morning. Then go out for a fantastic pancake breakfast. Life is short. Party long.
