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Ask a Pro Q&A: Dinner Table Dress-Up

Welcome to another installment of Ask a Pro! Today we are talking to Dream Team member and Lifestyle expert Carolina Buia about finding the right placemats to dress up your dinner table!

Q: I have been trying to find placemats for my table and cannot.  Are they still in fashion?  Where can I find them?

-Kay C.

A: Where have you been looking?

Placemats are still very much in fashion, especially with all the holiday entertaining. They can dress up a table or keep messes manageable. The latter ones are practical–as they are plastic and messes can be wiped up quickly. They are great for kids, and IKEA and Etsy have a wide selection. For adding pizazz to your dining, my favorite placemats include the modern Chilewich line. Their gilded ovals are one of my go-to table jewels. Also, check out the whimsical selections from ZGallerie, like these silvered corals. These stunning mats are an inexpensive and easy way to elevate your table setting. Yes, these beauties will always have a place at my dinner table.

-Carolina B.