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Interior Design

10 Tips for Staging Your Home to Appeal to Buyers

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6. Rearrange furniture

Staging your furniture to create conversation spaces and open areas is ideal. Symmetrical arrangements typically work well. You’ll want to pull all furniture away from the walls. Put any old, worn furnishings into storage. If you find that much or all your furniture should be stored away off of the property, you can hire a staging company to fill in missing key pieces like armchairs, sofas and dining tables.


7. Go with gender neutral décor

Many buyers paint their entire interior with gender neutral colors before they sell. Some simply choose to have neutral furniture, artwork and accessories staged in their home. You don’t have to go with all white or beige to stay neutral. Choose colors for paint and furnishings that don’t make too much of a statement in any way.




8. Balance clean with lived-in

Buyers want to imagine what it would be like living in your home. While they want to envision your house as a clean and healthy space, it doesn’t need to appear sterile. A lived-in look helps people feel the warmth that’s possible, but don’t think buyers want to see a family’s weekday mess. Place a simple bowl of fruit on the counter or bunch of flowers in a vase to create warmth.




9. Set the dining room table

Dining room tables can tend to look bare, cold and uninviting. Keep your dining room table set with pretty china, crystal, napkins and silverware. It doesn’t have to be formal, even vintage place settings can create a beautiful aesthetic.




10. Open your closets

You’re going to have to purge your closets and stage them as if they were in a boutique. Fold and hang closes neatly, create order with shoes and accessories, and store away anything that’s bulging out or falling over. Tidy everything up and keep closet doors open so buyers don’t have to think twice about peaking inside.




Staging furniture and as much of your home as you can to impress buyers is incredibly important. It may take a weekend, week or month to do it – and possibly a bit of money – but in the end your house will present much better for a faster sale.

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